NOTE: This is a digitally downloaded product.
You know you need to pay it off, but before you get started, you want to know how long it’s going to take…
NOTE: This tool works best with Excel, but can also be used with Google Sheets.
To open in Google Sheets, download and save the file to your computer without opening it. Open Google Sheets. In the upper right quadrant, select the Manila folder icon to “upload file”. Refresh often to see calculations.
+ User friendly
+ Fully automated (you fill in the white boxes, everything else will auto calculate!)
+ Input your loans once and update with actual payments as they are made
+ Space for up to 35 different loans
+ Change and play around with several variables to see how it affects your payoff date
+ Clearly displays your debt stats
+ Clearly displays debt payoff month and year (will show all calculations on separate page)
+ Perfect for irregular income
+ Easy switch between Debt Snowball, Debt Avalanche, or custom order of debt payoff to compare.
+ Input for one-time lump sum payments on debt (bonuses, tax refunds etc.)
+ Input for expected increases in monthly debt payments (future raises, second job etc.)
+ Video tutorial included
+ This is a Microsoft Excel file, can be uploaded to Google Sheets!
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