Work From Home for VIPKid + 5 Tips to Get Hired


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This post is sponsored by VIPKid. I was thrilled when they reached out to me about sharing a work from home opportunity with you! All opinions are my own. To read more about my disclosure policy, click here. Updated 2021.

Are you looking for a way to work from home and make money, but you need something that is legitimate, consistent, and reliable so you can bring in a solid paycheck every month? I’m guessing you don’t have time for anything that pays tiny amounts or is unreliable. You really need something solid.

What if you could make money every month by educating children in other parts of the world through an online classroom, and earn a consistent monthly income while working at home, at your own pace, and your own chosen hours?

Work for VIPKid information

I have good news. You can! And there are no gimmicks and no funny business. I have a solid side hustle idea for you that you can get started on today. Let me tell you about VIPKid.

VIPKid is a massively popular and growing work-from-home opportunity, and for good reason! VIPKid is a desirable, consistent, and reputable company that connects children in China with adults in North America who teach them the English language. The best part is, you need to speak English but you don’t need to have a teaching degree, an English degree, or speak a word of Chinese!

I know what you’re thinking though . . . I have so many questions!

  • Is it legit?
  • Is the company reputable?
  • How much money can I make?
  • Do I have to write the curriculum?
  • What hours can I work?
  • What qualifications do I have to have?
  • How do I get hired?

I am going to answer all of these questions for you today, and more! I’ll start by answering the most common questions about VIPKid and then give you some amazing insider tips (straight from VIPKid!) on how to get hired!

Let’s dive in.

What is VIPKid?

VIPKid provides an international learning experience to kids in China between the ages of 4-12. VIPKid has locations in both Beijing and San Francisco and is a rapidly growing company with services in high demand! They connect students in China who desire one-on-one English instruction outside their school curriculum with individuals in the United States and Canada who want to teach English online! The Chinese parents pay for the classes because they want their children to learn English as quickly as possible.

How does VIPKid work?

VIPKid has their own cutting edge video and curriculum platform to facilitate their one-on-one classes. Once you become a teacher, you’ll have access to all the materials you need to get quickly connected with students! As a teacher, you’ll be able to list your available teaching slots and students can then book classes with you. You will then be paid by VIPKid for each class you complete. The students you teach will be whichever students book your classes. Some students will rebook you over and over again, and sometimes you’ll work with new students.

Is VIPKid legit and reputable?

Yes! And it’s rapidly growing because the students and families love the quality one-on-one English language instruction they are getting, and the teachers love the flexible work-from-home teaching. It is truly a win-win for everyone.

Do you work for VIPKid?

I do not! But I have known about it for years and have several good friends who do, and they all love it! It’s definitely a fan favorite. One of my goals with this blog is to help you make money, especially on the side or from home, so I want to bring you all the info about all the money making opportunities!

Who can work for VIPKid and who cannot?

VIPKid is strict about what teachers they take on because the parents of the students expect high quality teaching. Because of that, you need to have at least a Bachelor’s degree education level. However, it can be in any subject and from any college or University! You also need to have permanent status or legal eligibility to work in the U.S. or Canada. VIPKid hopes to expand, but right now they cannot accept teachers from other locations. One of the great things is you can be any age, and any gender! 

How much money can I make working for VIPKid?

The pay ranges from $14-22 an hour, which is so fantastic for a work from home side hustle! Pay range depends on your experience levels and demo scores (I’ll talk more about this), and is determined during the hiring process. You can also make extra money on top of this base pay for meeting certain goals in your VIPKid portal like being on-time to classes and teaching extra classes! I love that.

Do I have to write my own curriculum?

Thankfully, no! VIPKid has taken care of all of that for you so that there is a standard and reliable curriculum being taught to each student. You will be able to review all the materials before teaching the class, and VIPKid makes what you’re supposed to teach very straightforward, fun, and engaging for both you and the students! You may want to obtain some simple props for your classes like stuffed animals, flash cards, a white board, etc, but it is not required.

What are the working hours?

Because you are connecting to kids in China live and one-on-one and they are 15 hours ahead of us, the hours tend to be early morning or late at night in North America. This can actually end up being convenient so it doesn’t interfere with your day job or family time.

How many hours can I work?

You can work as many hours you want! However, 10-20 hours per week is average amongst teachers I spoke to!

What qualifications and experience must I have to apply?

You need to have a Bachelor’s degree and at least one year of experience working with children in a professional manner. You don’t have to have experience being a school teacher! Working with children as a camp counselor, at a daycare, a gym child watch, or even babysitting would work! Unfortunately, being a parent doesn’t count (even though it’s the best experience of all). They want to see that you have professional experience working with kids. But again, don’t be shy, put down all of your experience working with kids even if it was just babysitting! The more, the better.

Is hiring competitive?

Yes! Because this really is a fantastic opportunity, there are many teachers applying. However, VIPKid is always looking for qualified and excited new teachers and they are hiring. That’s why I’m writing this blog post! Their customer base is growing rapidly and the need for new teachers is constantly growing along with it. Don’t be afraid to apply! You have nothing to lose, but since it is competitive, I am going to give you some tips on getting hired below! Keep reading.

How do I get hired?

The application process begins with you submitting all your basic information so they can screen to see if you meet the basic requirements. After that, you’ll have an interview or record and submit a demo of yourself teaching to be reviewed by a recruiter. Then, you’ll watch some training videos to learn all about how VIPKid works and what you’ll be doing as a teacher in full detail. Next, you’ll teach a mock class with a current VIPKid teacher as practice. Then you’ll sign your contract documents, and be ready to start listing your available classes on the VIPKid portal! And you’re hired!

If this sounds amazing and you’re interested in applying, you’re going to want to read this next part! This company is growing and many people are seeing what an incredible work from home opportunity it is, so there are a lot of applicants. I want to help you get hired. I cannot, however, guarantee in any way that your application will be accepted and you will get hired. I wish I could, but it would be impossible. I can, however, give you tips so that you only apply if you are a good candidate and you put as much helpful and accurate information on your application as possible! This is a fun, rewarding, and exciting job and it’s definitely worth the steps to get hired. It’s easier than it looks, I just want to make sure I give you all the details.

5 Tips for Getting Hired with VIPKid

1. When filling out the initial application forms, be thorough and clear

When you put your teaching experience and other pertinent information into the online application, make it straight and to the point and not too wordy! Make sure your 1 year of experience working with children is clear. Tell them what your experience was, and what ages you taught. They scan through resumes quickly so make sure you’re to the point but still get all the relevant information on there.

2. Treat your demo interview or video like a real job interview

VIPKid will send you an information packet after your initial hiring screening giving you the information they are looking for if you make it to the next step, the interview or demo video. Follow their instructions! They will tell you exactly what they are looking for and you should try to meet those requests to the best of your ability. Treat the interview just like you would any other job interview, take it seriously! Be on time. Present yourself in a professional way with your grooming and dress. Make sure that your surroundings for the interview or demo video look like you’re ready to start teaching.

3. Test your equipment ahead of time 

Your equipment working properly is very important with VIPKid, so before your interview, demo class, or any other thing you do on camera, make sure that your camera and microphone work seamlessly. Test your internet and make sure it is fast and ready to go!

4. Practice for your interview or demo video until you’re ready

Getting hired and the pay rate you get hired at are partially based on your demo score. They will be looking for the following in your interview and score you on these, so prepare these things:

  • Appropriate energy level
  • Tools preparation
  • Total physical response
  • Student output
  • Engaging class
  • Use of tools
  • Simplified instruction
  • Lesson objectives
  • Time management (10 mins)

And remember, you don’t have to be perfect! They know you will improve over time. Just do the best you can. All the other applicants are new at this too! Do your best and have fun!

5. Watch VIPKid’s additional videos and resources about getting hired!

VIPKid knows that you want to research and prepare before you apply, so they provide lots of videos and resources for you right on their home page. Definitely watch the videos they provide from current VIPKid teachers for more detailed tips and information!

If you’re ready to check out VIPKid and get your application going, click here to get started! You will be taken to a screen where you can begin filling out your application and submit it directly to VIPKid.

I hope you’ve found your new side hustle today! Do you have any questions about VIPKid that I didn’t answer? Let me know in the comments.

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VIPKid work from home and make money from home
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Welcome! My name is Merilee and I’m the creator of Easy Budget. I started this blog to help other families like mine crush debt, budget, manage money, and meal plan like pros!

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